By ADEGOKE Iyanuoluwa Deborah
30th December, 2019

The Students of the department of Theatre and Media Art gave the publics of Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti-State,  Smiling faces as they showed their prowess in the Nigeria Universities theatre arts Students association's Competition that took place late October this year at the National theatre, Lagos with over 16 Universities across the country participating in the competition.

   Speaking with the President of Faculty of Art, who said "Four students of ours won Best actor, best director, best costumier and best makeup artist respectively" He also added subsequently that FUOYE showed up their superiority when it emerges as the first in Drama Competition which was the most prominent event in the competition.

   "Since it was our first time of performing, we just wanted to enjoy ourselves while also making our school proud"  Faculty of Art president said.

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